Cederwalls has been providing legal services and tax advice since 2008. We were born out of a desire to help Americans and Swedes living or doing business on foreign soil, and we now represent over two thousand clients from all different backgrounds and with all different needs.

Passive Foreign Investment Company – PFIC
Passive Foreign Investment Company – PFIC The passage of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in 2010 has meant an increased responsibility for U.S. persons to report investments held outside the U.S. The FATCA means, among other things, that the IRS...

Eriksbergsgatan 10, 1 Tr.
114 30 Stockholm
Tel: +46 70 775 63 55
Email: info@cederwalls.com
Cederwalls International Law Firm AB | Registration no. 5567648711-01 | VAT registration no. SE556764871101